My Dream Personal Knowledge Base

So I’ve been working on my “personal knowledge base” for a long time.

OrgNote was previously named TreePim. Then it was named DigiPim.

Then it was named OrgNote. It was briefly named KnowledgePaper, and then VanilaFolder.

… it’s back to OrgNote.

I might never finish OrgNote. I don’t know. But I can’t help but to build and dream of this…

Perfect Knowledge Base.

My ideal personal knowledge base would consist of:

1. Journaling – gotta have ability to chronicle your thoughts.

2. Nested Notes – You should be able to organize your notes into knowledge.

3. Search

4. Encryption – Ideal, but hey with all the NSA spying, can anything really be secured?

5. Versioning – it’ll be sweet if you can turn back time. Reply your notes, edits & organizations…

6. Backed up – needless to say, you want it securely backed-up.

7. Easily Accessible – should have a web version. Mobile Apps. etc.

8. Unlimited Notes

You should be able to enter notes easily too. Maybe a bookmarklet? Evernote integration?

It should be beautifully designed as well.