What to Blog About?

So I was just thinking, since I am going to be blogging everyday now.

What should I blog about?

So I concluded with, I should write the Post, that if I died today, I’m glad I wrote it.


I would say if I died today, I want to past on lessons to my Sons, that would apply to other people as well.

I would say to them, you were born naked – Steve Jobs

You can choose to be happy, you aren’t married to the circumstances of your life, life is what you make it.

Don’t just follow your dreams, but choose to be happy while pursuing your dreams. Don’t let your happiness be based on results. Base your happiness on what you put into your actions. Be happy with the work that you did today.

Go to sleep in peace, with knowing you were a good person today. If you wasn’t than be sure to be a good person tomorrow.

Whatever you do, don’t settle for being sad or miserable… life’s too short, choose to be happy.