Businesses serves humans

Lots of SaaS, services other businesses. I was thinking, is all business a multi-level pyramid. Businesses, just helping other businesses “get rich”.

But then I realized all B2B businesses, server businesses that are B2C.

Businesses at the top (or the bottom) always ends up serving customers.

So what do humans need? Why do they buy? Well it’s a separation of concern thing. We buy mostly everything, it’s because our jobs are specialized.

Why do we buy? I think we mostly buy because of:

  1. Survival – gotta eat.
  2. Social pressures – we are social animals, got to keep up with the Joneses. This is for social status, which boils down to sex. Survival.
  3. Energy conservation – we buy things that increases our productivity (more output for less energy/time.) This could fall into survival.
  4. Pleasure, boredom. Our mind wanders, with all this free time. Entertainment.

So basically humans buy for survival, and entertainment.

All businesses serve our needs for survival and entertainment.

The Perfect Name

What’s with us and choosing the perfect name?

For me, I feel like the perfect name speaks for itself. That’s why I spend so much time on it. That’s why I think about it while sleeping. That’s why I spend so much time doing “market research”.

A perfect name, speaks volumes.

Or at least that’s what I tell myself. Maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe you should pick one and move on.

The best course I took on naming things was Rachel Rodgers, “Ready, Name, Fire!”

The best advice I got on naming something was, if you wake up the next morning and it’s still on your mind, then it’s a good name.

So the interim name for this blog is Zen SAAS.

RIP ZenOverflow

In life, things come and go, life & death.

The reason I started this blog was because of Seth Godin, recommendation to write everyday and Steven Pressfield’s influential War of Art.

I was doing pretty good with blogging everyday from March 2016 to June 2016? So you cay say, it was 60 days of writing and publishing your thoughts everyday.

I also forced myself to tag every blog post. Sure some of it was just rants, but a theme emerged.

I learned a lot. I learned what I liked to write about. I learned what’s motivating to me. I had discovered my voice.

I am not that skilled of a writer. My writing are short. I rant about random things/current events. But I learn I love to write about happiness, a philosophy for living. I like to write about habits, productivity & routines.

I discovered my life motto, “The Art of Stress-Free Success”, (inspired by GTD)

Then I stopped, I think I felt like I was adding pollution to this world. Perhaps I shouldn’t have stopped, but the benefits have been gained. I know what I want to talk about. I know what I want to do.

Samsung taking a page from Apple? Uh oh

With Galaxy Note 7, Is Samsung Getting Too Far Ahead Of Apple?

The new Samsung Galaxy Note 7, only has one model, 64gb. 

It’s very simple to decide which Galaxy Note 7 to get…

The iPhone use to be that simple… Now I have to decide between the regular, plus or pro? GB choices, and color… more skus…

I think technology is meant to make our lives simpler, not more complicated. 

Let them Chase You

One tip I got to land clients is… “let them chase you”, aka… play hard to get…

It makes you seem scarce. Busy… important.

Boy, gotta land new clients soon though.

Slow Growth

After watching Dan Martell videos on Start-up Life / Culture… I think I might prefer slow growth…

Maybe slow passion project growth and/or slow private business growth…

Slow and steady, wins the race.