Government and the Economy

I’ve been watching the great youtube series “School of Life” (usually while eating šŸ™‚

Talks a lot about systems of economy and government…

Capitalism takes advantage of human greed, at the expense of the everyday laborer and the environment.

Pure Communism just doesn’t work. Although the ideas of Communism are interesting. Like how one should be able to do the work that makes them happy, basically whatever they want.

Capitalism + Socialism is I think where most modern economies are at. I love if we can have a Basic Income like Sweden. Like I wrote previously I think it’ll allow creativity and family to thrive.

I think too much greed is a bad thing. How much money and power should an individual have? I am, worried about a class of ultra-rich people controlling the world, hoping they areĀ benevolent.

Rich countries like Saudi Arabia, Russia, United States, can get away with anything. Poorest countries are taken over, raped of resources… so some multi-national can reap Billions.

These industrial complexes are only good for the industrial complexes.

Greed isn’t the answer for sustainability or happiness. It’s too simple of a measure to run our world by. Maybe because it’s simple is why it has worked so well. We need to find something else.

Technology and will of the people will overtake greed, I’m hoping, or else we are all doomed. Maybe not.

I believe in liberty, technology, socialism. The freedom to make money, create art, freedom of communication, as well as taking care of the unable. Our education system is horrendous.

Too much corruption and greed. It’s the poorest in our country that suffers and are taken advantage of.

Robots and Basic Income

I think we all should have a basic income because robots, computers and technology is going to make most jobs obsolete.

That means raising taxes on big companies, if you want to be the handful of ultra successful companies, you have to pay taxes.

I think this gives people incentive to be creative. Also more time to spend with their kids to raise successful adults?

There’s probably lots of holes in this theory…