

Prepare to succeed.

What do you prepare for?

As I am currently preparing to take a placement test for a Top Agency I am applying to, I am using all the preparation advice I’ve heard over the years.

Get a good night sleep. (opps on this, hopefully I can get some shut eye before the test)

Eat well.

Have my pen/papers ready.

Set up your environment to succeed.


“You are Special.”

“You are a Snow Flake”

As the ending of “The Lego Movie” tells us, we are all special. What sings to us, is ours. It’s unique.

If we do what’s true to us, we will be happy. Would we be wealthy? That’s a different question.

Perhaps compromises must be made. I’m curious to see if past great works, A. Was the Artist satisfied? and B. Was compromises made?

Can an Artist be satisfied and yet make compromises? Maybe a wise one.

Nothing is perfect. ? . ?

Steve Jobs has said “Real Artists Ship!” … hmm maybe? Maybe not… Successful business ships value successfully.

Vincent Van Gogh died penniless. Did he deliver value in his lifetime? Maybe not… but no one can argue he wasn’t an artist.

Starving Artists maybe are Happy Artists… but they don’t deliver value to customers.

Maybe to run a great business… we have to put ourselves second, snuff our passions, “kill our darlings” as Seth Godin would say.


Not enough Time

Today I’m feeling that there’s not enough time. I know that’s ridiculous, not the feeling but the idea that there isn’t enough time.

Lots of balls in the air… two kids, food needs to be put on the table, flailing freelance business… product/saas business  still in idea phase.


I am relieved to know that everyone has the same amount of time as I…

How I’m learning about Online Business

My two resources I’m using to learn about online businesses.

1. – I love their podcast. It’s always entertaining. I think they were the first group of people that seem pretty honest & earnest about teaching this sometimes easily slimed topic of online business / making money online.

2. 30×500 – Mainly cause Amy Hoy is a programmer, and she sees things from a programmers perspectives… what she (and partner Alex Hillman) says rings true to me.

Fizzle, Choosing a Topic

So I am doing the course.

Stage #1, Choosing a Topic. (Direction)

I will be writing 5 blog posts about my top 4 topics….

  1. WebDev
  2. Programming Career
  3. Online Business
  4. Self-Mastery

It is all about the Market

Words are powerful.

I’m doing the Fizzle course right now. I’ve been a member for a while, but was always stuck at stage 1… coming up with a Topic.

Basically I know how important a target market is… they are the base of your business. They determine what products you create. If you choose an unprofitable market, your business is toast, no matter how good the idea is.

There was a story I heard, I forgot from who…. maybe Brian Tracy or a some prolific copywriter/marketer…

They asked the prolific marketer: There’s two people, competing to sell lemonade, and each person can have 1 advantage, this could be a box to stand on the shout, “Great Tasting Lemonade”, or a huge sign… what would he pick as an advantage.

He said this, I’d pick one thing, a thirsty crowd.

It’s all about the market.