Art Perfect Code

Code, math, perfection. Inside out. Beauty on the outside as well as the inside. Broad strokes.

I heard stories of the Mac inventors, autographing the inside of their innovative machine. How the inside was just as important as the outside.

I feel like, there’s warts. There’s always warts. There might not be a thing as perfect art. What’s perfect? Nothing is perfect.

Maybe perfection is a work in progress.

Stress-Free Success

What is Stress-Free Success?

It’s automatic success. It’s no suffering. It’s happiness & contentment.

There’s something calming about Buddha meditating next to a Bodhi tree.

He is stress-free.

Also sometimes, we can’t meditate all day. There’s a hunger to achieve. This is about finding your purpose and passion.

Combine zen and success, and you have stress-free success.

Apple Over

Sad to see state of Apple. They should buy Netflix already.

The watch is dead, no AI, VR or AR. iPhone 7 is a bust. No cloud.

I’m predicting major free fall of their stock.

They need to cut some of their products, double down on existing ones.

Change Yourself

If you have a bad habit that results in un-desired outcome. Drinking for example, and you DO NOT want to give up that habit completely…

The only thing you can TRY to do is to change yourself.

One Thing

The one thing, the most important thing is love. If Buddha could want anything, I bet it’ll be a wife.

Nothing could fell as great as having somebody always having your back. To love and laugh, to do nothing and being happy.

When something threatens that joy, it’s hard not to be obsessive about removing that obstacle. I’m sorry I can be intense, but nothing is more important than the one thing.