What’s going on?

I can’t believe it’s been more than 6 months since my last blog post. An apology to myself… but what have I been doing?

I’ve been working on OrgNote. My magnum opus.

I felt I couldn’t write, and sufficiently focus on OrgNote at the same time.

It’s all about focus after all…

Update on OrgNote

So where are we with OrgNote? I’ve been focusing on the soul, aka data structure of notes. All back-end… it actually doesn’t seem like I got a lot accomplished.

But I think I’m close… to the feeling of euphoria of inventing this something that hopefully scratches more than just my itch.

What’s the most important thing?

Do you have to give up your life, for your art?

What’s more important, your life’s work? Or your life?

I’m going to continue development of OrgNote, I think I owe everyone, including myself, that much.

The foundation is there, the whisper of maybe something, maybe.

From CrashPlan to BackBlaze

Since CrashPlan backup service doesn’t support home users anymore, I’ve just finished successfully switched to BackBlaze.

It took 25 days to backup around 800Gigs … so not too bad.

I had just left it running in the background, probably could have gone quicker if I optimized it by playing with settings.

Gladly my hard-drives didn’t die in the month, so now I can feel relief knowing my stuff (family photos/videos etc.) is in the Cloud!

If you don’t have a backup plan, you should totally get one, and I totally recommend BackBlaze.

Easy Tip: How to remember where you Parked your Car

Who hasn’t forgotten where they parked and spent 10-15 minutes walking around the parking lot aimlessly looking for your car, pressing the button on your key fab…

Okay maybe only those of us with ADHD have it worse than most.

Here’s the 1 tip, that I use to remember where I parked. I have not wasted time looking for my car since.

#1 Strategy: Always park directly parallel to the front door.

Meaning a direct line of site, from the front door.

This means sometimes you’d have to park a little farther away. (A little more walking wouldn’t hurt!)

This way when you leave the store with your goodies, you know exactly where to look. You just go straight.

I have never spent >10mins walking around the parking lot looking for my car since I’ve adopted this strategy.

Tell me your thoughts? Do you also have a hard time finding your car?

Bonus tip: If you are parking in a garage, write down where you parked (usually there’s a posting of where you are in the garage somewhere), write it in Notes app in your phone.

So I’ve Blogged Again

Whoa, can’t believe I haven’t blogged since May!

Lots have happened since then, the biggest news is my 4-year old went to his first day of pre-k this week!

Hooray, so proud of him.

Also, I’ve been putting my nose to the grind stone on OrgNote. I hope to be in the position to complete the prototype soon! But sadly most likely not going to be available for awhile, perhaps a year, but ASAP! 😏

The reason I felt compelled to blog was that I wanted to share this great book called “The Power of When” by Dr. Michael Breus.

I’ll do a write up of the book soon.

Prioritize Finishing

When you have ADHD, your mind is a mile a minute. You always have a bunch of stuff you want to do.

You should only do one thing at a time.

At the beginning of the day, and you are trying to figure out what to do. Prioritized tasks or projects already started that has to do with your one thing.

Finish those that are almost done.

Fully commit, Get sh*t done and Feel good about it.

TL;DR: Ask yourself “The ONE Question”, then commit to a time-span that’s not too long.


When I am feeling in the zone it’s usually because of deep focus. I haven’t had this feeling since my 90-day sprint ended.

What is a 90 Day Sprint?

Inspired by Todd Herman’s 90 Day year. (I can’t wait till it opens up again, I am going to try to join the next enrollment) (Also other things like Brian Moran’s 12-week year and The Freedom Journal – 100 days)

Its premise is that a year is too long. So make it 90days (1 Quarter) instead.


This worked fine for me Q1 of 2017. My goal was to work on development of OrgNote and get it to a personal satisfaction score of 8 out of 10. (I think my end point was just 4 though, so not yet ready for release)

But I was on fire for that Quarter.

However this quarter is sucking major butt.

I think the reason being is that I haven’t decided on what my 90-day focus was going to be.

While watching Fizzle’s Journal Webinar, I came to the realization that, having structure in my day/week/month is super important. Also knowing that my daily action is leading towards a bigger goal is crucial.

What is my One Goal?

So I can’t decide. Juggling with personal goals vs business goals. I changed my #1 goal for the quarter a few times, which kind of defeats the whole point of intensive focus for 90 days.

“The ONE Thing” Comes to the Rescue

Gary Keller’s “The ONE Thing“, I love this concept.

“What’s the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

So to rephrase it for the 90 days:

“What’s the ONE Thing you can do in the next 90 days, such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

The answer became obvious to me. Have a clean house, based on the KonMari Method.

But dang I thought, 90 days of cleaning the house is long. I felt the tug of my other obligations, like my business, OrgNote etc.

What’s wrong with 90 Days?

It’s too long. It gave me commitment anxiety. 90 days is long enough that I felt if I picked the wrong thing, I would lose too much time. I was unsure of my 90-day focus, which made me question if I was working on the right thing every day.

Screw 90 Days.

Eureka moment, why does it have to be 90 Days? What if it was 45 days?

I instantly felt much better.

Cleaning the house for 6 weeks seems pretty achievable. How about 3 weeks? Hmm, that could work as well.

I finally decided to half that again, to 10 days, or 2 weeks.

The Dynamic One Focus Method

  1. Ask yourself the revised “ONE Thing” Question: “What’s the ONE Thing you can do in the next 90 days, such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”
  2. Is 90 days two long? Keep halfing it till you feel that it’s:
    1. Long enough to achieve the goal.
    2. Short enough that you can fully commit.


Start: 90 Days (1 Quarter)
45 Days (6 weeks)
3 Weeks
1.5 Weeks 10 Days 2 work weeks
1 week
3 days
2 days
1 day
2/3 Day 2 Pomodoro Sets
1/3 Day 1 Pomodoro Set
1 Pomodoro (25 mins)
5 minutes


Start with 90 days, then figure out a better time span. I’d error on the side of lesser time, because then you let the Parkinson’s Law of “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion” do it’s magic. It also gives you a sense of urgency.

This way you can be productive, fully commit, Get sh*t done and feel good about it.