4th of July

Today is Independence Day. Today is the first day of my blog. ZenOverflow.com

Goal of the blog is to help you attain Zen. 

It’s hard to be happy with nothing, with the silence. It’s hard to be content, especially if you have aspirations. 

Let the Journey begin. 

WordPress Plugins

These are the wordpress plugins I use, and the ones you should install right away.

All these plugins are extremely popular, well reviewed, and supported.

Continue reading “WordPress Plugins”

Old Playbook

How to launch a WordPress site?

This is my playbook.

  1. Domain
  2. Get Managed WordPress Hosting
  3. Set-up Email.
  4. Register for Twitter
  5. Genesis Theme
  6. Get Analytics
  7. Get WordPress Plugins


Podcasts I listen to.

  • Startups For The Rest of Us
  • Internet Business Mastery
  • Fizzle.co
  • Reply-All

Project Management

Recently I was listening to this episode of Start Ups For The Rest Of Us podcast, and it gave me a kick in the pants.

I realize I had to put up this blog (and a landing page) before the launch of VanilaFolder.

Also I realize that I needed to manage everything about the development and marketing of my business. I needed a tool.

What Project Management App am I using?


I have used them in the past, and looking forward to using it for my launch.


Since I’m developing VanilaFolder by myself, I customized Pivotal Tracker for solo-mode.